AAA Drafting Blog

A SolidWorks designer talks about stuff related to CAD and mechanical design

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Free SolidWorks training for unemployed Engineers

Fisher-Unitech, a SolidWorks VAR in Fort Wayne, Indiana, has started offering free basic SolidWorks training to engineers who have been laid off and who normally use 2D or 3D CAD software as part of their jobs. The solidworks training normally costs $1000.00 but is being offered at no charge to help unemployed engioneers get back on their feet.

Those who are accepted into the program also get a free 30 day trial copy of SolidWorks Office Professional so they can continue honing their skills after the three day training program is complete. Check the SolidWorks Training link for more information.

Personally I think this is a wonderful idea, and its something that SolidWorks Corporation might want to get involved with so that it could be done across the country. It not only creates a lot of goodwill toward SolidWorks but once these engineers get back to work, they will stongly reccomend to their employers what 3D CAD software they should be purchasing.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Solidworks designers - Is this a typical day for you ?

Simplex Grinnell has created a new training video for SolidWorks Designers. If you have ever been under pressure to meet a deadline or need help with methods to bring management over to your way of thinking, this video could be for you.


The video gives examples of the best techniques to use when discussing design projects with management.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Google Sketchup plugins for SolidWorks and AutoCad

European software developer Sycode has developed a series of plug-ins for Google Sketchup. These plug-ins allow Google Sketchup to read and write both AutoCad and Solidworks files as well as many other popular CAD programs.

Since the plug ins cover previous versions, it opens up the possibility that Sketch-Up could be used as a file translation tool to make files backward compatible with previous versions of CAD software.