Building free website traffic
If you are the owner of a Canadian small business and you have a street address and business phone number your first choice for a business listing might be the traditional yellow pages listings provided by But there are options. Yellowpages are indeed a good place to list but the cost can be prohibitive.
Think about high quality free internet directories such as Industry Canada's free business directory This directory has a Google page rank of 7, which makes it extremely important as a directory and as a potential source of page rank for your business website. It also has an Alexa ranking of 554 which means that it receives an enormous amount of traffic. These statisitics are at least as good as Yellow pages itself.
To get your business listed, click on "Canadian Company Capabilities" and started. Unlike many directories, allows you to list an enormous amount of information about your business. The potential for your business to be found is greatly enhanced by this.
We often complain about how governments waste money, but this is one area where our government has given us a marvellous free vehicle to help any Canadian business compete. Make good use of it !
Think about high quality free internet directories such as Industry Canada's free business directory This directory has a Google page rank of 7, which makes it extremely important as a directory and as a potential source of page rank for your business website. It also has an Alexa ranking of 554 which means that it receives an enormous amount of traffic. These statisitics are at least as good as Yellow pages itself.
To get your business listed, click on "Canadian Company Capabilities" and started. Unlike many directories, allows you to list an enormous amount of information about your business. The potential for your business to be found is greatly enhanced by this.
We often complain about how governments waste money, but this is one area where our government has given us a marvellous free vehicle to help any Canadian business compete. Make good use of it !
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